Destination Nurburgring #17 May 2017
Preparation for the first Destination Nurburgring event of the year was pretty minimal. I fixed the wastegate arm after it…
Nurburgring April 2017 with Circuit Days
The first Nürburgring trackday of the year was with Circuit Days and it would be fair to say I was…
Bumpsteer measurement and correction
Due to the track width and ride height changes I`d made over the years I was experiencing some bump-steer. What…
Helicoil a stripped Caliper Thread
The design of the HiSpec calipers to give more wheel spoke clearance mean the pad retaining pins are bolts which…
Cobra Seats and Schroth Harnesses
Whilst the old seats and 6-point harnesses were OK, the seats were over 13 years old and the harnesses were…
Rockingham 4th March 2017
Our Northloop `season opener` trackday had been planned since December and we had over 20 cars booked on the event.…
ECU rewiring and new ECU fuse and relay board
At the end of 2016 I had a weird intermittent electrical misfiring issue and I was 100% it was wiring…
Worn wastegate to actuator connector repair.
At Silverstone last year I`d noticed an odd boost oscillation around 6,000rpm. Highlighted in Blue. After removing the actuator to…
Rear Wing Supports
I wanted to move the rear wing rearwards and up into the clearer airflow. Previous supports were 3mm Aluminium but…
Oulton Park Jan 2017
The first trackday of 2017 and I was keen to get back on track. I`d done a lot of work…
Turbo Brace
After the manifold fracture back in 2015 I braced the downpipe to help reduce stress on the Turbo / Manifold.…
Silverstone GP November 2016
I booked on this Trackday in 2015 but due to a failed output flange I only managed THREE laps !…
Thermal Imaging
I borrowed a Flir Thermal Imaging camera to see what was happening when the car was hot. I`ve taken a…
Clutch Failure and Helix replacement
The Clutch failed engaged at Silverstone giving me no drive. I could select gears but it was as if my…
VW Clutch Fork reinforcement
The clutch was struggling to engage and disengage at Silverstone and I thought the clutch fork was failing. This is…
Repacking an SKF Wheel bearing with High Temperature Grease
Standard front wheel bearings are fine for road use but can often fail when put under the loads of a…
Blyton Park with Mission Motorsport
I`ve been very fortunate to be able to take out passengers who are part of Mission Motorsport. Mission Motorsport’s aim:…
Destination Nurburgring #16 September 2016
I don`t write other articles online, these reports just started out as a way of capturing my thoughts and feelings…
New Alloy Wheel bolt hole cleaning
If you ever get a set of Alloys powdercoated or buy some brand new ones you`ll need to clean the…
Cadwell Park 18th August 2016
Before Cadwell I checked the alignment and felt a tiny amount of slack in the steering. Checked Rod ends, Steering…